Over the past several months, EH&S staff have been working to improve our web presence to provide our clients with better access to information, aligned with the groups we serve. We have enhanced ways that you can find information that is pertinent to the functional areas we serve across Harvard University.
At the top of the home page, you can navigate to your particular functional area - whether you are a building manager or a project manager - for information on the EH&S programs that affect you. Once in the specific area, you can see the services we provide and within each service area, the programs that we support, ultimately leading you to the tools and resources you may need, as well as who to contact within EH&S for the specific services. We have significantly reduced the amount of information to improve your ability to find exactly what you need.
Over the next few months, we will be making additional enhancements to our new site. PIN accessible areas for each school or department with information specific to that school or department are in development. In addition, EH&S-led committee pages will allow committee members to retrieve agendas and meeting notes, among other things, to help keep you current.
We hope you find this new web experience useful, and as always, we appreciate your suggestions on improvements at ehs@harvard.edu.