Evacuation Planning
Evacuation Planning

Evacuation planning must be site-specific for evaluating emergency conditions, evacuation policies and procedures, emergency reporting protocols, and alarm systems.
Use these resources when creating comprehensive emergency action plans to identify important issues.
Department Contact
Mark Collins
Did You Know?
Candle fires are the fourth leading cause of campus fires behind cooking, arson, and smoking. The U.S. Fire Administration reports that 20 percent of university housing fires in bedrooms are started by candles.
Candles remain a key ignition source for campus fires despite the fact that candles are now banned at most colleges. More than half of all candle fires occur when a combustible material is too close to the candle, with the most common materials being bedding and curtains. Falling asleep is a factor in a quarter of candle fire fatalities — extinguish all candles before going to sleep.