January 4, 2023
Update: Harvard University On Campus Activity Guidance
Please see the January 4, 2023 Updates section for a detailed summary of the most recent changes. The full change log, which includes all prior revision summaries, can be found at the end of the guidance.
August 18, 2022
Update: Harvard University On Campus Activity Guidance
The following sections have been updated:
- After COVID-19 Exposure
- Return to Work and Other Activities After Isolation
- Vaccination
- Viral Testing
Please see the August 18, 2022 Updates section for a detailed summary of the most recent changes. The full change log, which includes all prior revision summaries, can be found at the end of the guidance.
June 22, 2022
Update: Harvard University On Campus Activity Guidance
Face Coverings has been updated to reflect changing CDC COVID-19 levels in Middlesex and Suffolk counties.
Please see the June 22, 2022 Updates section for a detailed summary of the most recent changes. The full change log, which includes all prior revision summaries, can be found at the end of the guidance.
May 19, 2022
Update: Harvard University On Campus Activity Guidance
The following sections have been updated:
- Face Coverings
- Viral Testing
Please see the May 19, 2022 Updates section for a detailed summary of the most recent changes. The full change log, which includes all prior revision summaries, can be found at the end of the guidance.
May 3, 2022
Update: Building/Facilities Operations, Systems, & Management: Frequently Asked Questions
Requirements to conduct enhanced cleaning following notification of positive COVID-19 cases in non-healthcare facilities were removed. The CDC reiterates the low risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission via surface contamination.
May 2, 2022
Update: Harvard University On Campus Activity Guidance
The following sections have been updated:
- Cleaning and Disinfection
- Quarantine
- Vaccination
- Viral Testing
Please see the May 2, 2022 Updates section for a detailed summary of the most recent changes. The full change log, which includes all prior revision summaries, can be found at the end of the guidance.
April 20, 2022
Update: Harvard University On Campus Activity Guidance
The following sections have been updated:
- Federal Guidance
- Massachusetts and Local Requirements
- Face Coverings
Please see the April 20, 2022 Updates section for a detailed summary of the most recent changes. The full change log, which includes all prior revision summaries, can be found at the end of the guidance.
April 20, 2022
Update: Face Coverings: General Use
Consistent with current federal and local guidelines, this document was updated to remove the mask requirement for public and private transportation, including University shuttles and buses. Face coverings are still recommended in these settings.
April 8, 2022
Update: Harvard University On Campus Activity Guidance
Public Health: Face Coverings has been updated to remove mask requirements for indoor events and gatherings exceeding 250 people. Schools and Central Administration units may continue to require masking in certain settings, depending on their population, rates of infection, and other public health data.
Please see the April 8, 2022 Updates section for a detailed summary of the most recent changes. The full change log, which includes all prior revision summaries, can be found at the end of the guidance.
April 7, 2022
Update: Face Coverings: General Use
This guidance has been updated to remove mask requirements for indoor events and gatherings exceeding 250 people. Schools and Central Administration units may continue to require masking in certain settings, depending on their population, rates of infection, and other public health data.
March 18, 2022
Update: Enhanced Cleaning Suspected/Confirmed Illness Response: Non-Clinical Spaces
This document has been updated to remove the requirement to don a new mask once enhanced cleaning is complete.
March 18, 2022
Update: COVID-19 Safety Awareness Training: Prevention/Protection Practices
The Vaccination, Self-Monitoring for Symptoms, Viral Testing, and Face Covering sections of this guidance have been updated to reflect current University COVID-19 policies and practices.
March 15, 2022
Update: Service Contractor Checklist
This document has been updated to align with the recent reduction of certain on campus COVID-19 restrictions.
March 14, 2022
Update: Service Call Inquiries: Residential Dwellings
This document has been updated to align with the current University face covering guidance.
March 14, 2022
Update: Face Coverings: General Use
This guidance has been updated to align with the current University policies that allow optional masking in most indoor settings.
March 14, 2022
Update: Harvard University On Campus Activity Guidance
Campus COVID-19 guidance continues to be adjusted and many of the restrictions put in place over the past two years have been lifted. Activity Specific sections have been rescinded and schools and units shall focus on core public health principles when developing local policies and planning activities and events.
The following Public Health sections have been updated:
- Face Coverings
- Isolation
- Physical/Social Distancing
- Vaccination
- Viral Testing
Please see the March 14, 2022 Updates section for a detailed summary of the most recent changes. The full change log, which includes all prior revision summaries, can be found at the end of the guidance.
March 14, 2022
Update: Building/Facilities Operations, Systems, & Management: Frequently Asked Questions
This information has been updated to reflect current University policies and CDC guidance concerning face coverings, physical distancing, and plumbing systems.
March 11, 2022
Update: COVID-19 Safety Training: Links and Resources
This document has been updated to reflect current Harvard University, federal, and state resources.
March 7, 2022
Update: Harvard University On Campus Activity Guidance
The following sections have been updated:
- Activity & Workplace Planning
- Public Health: Face Coverings
Please see the March 7, 2022 Updates section for a detailed summary of the most recent changes. The full change log, which includes all prior revision summaries, can be found at the end of the guidance.
March 3, 2022
Update: Harvard University On Campus Activity Guidance
The following activity-specific sections have been updated:
- Classroom, Instruction, Lecture, and Designated Study Spaces
- Events and Gatherings: Indoors
- Fitness: Recreational Facilities and Health Clubs
Please see the March 3, 2022 Updates section for a detailed summary of the most recent changes. The full change log, which includes all prior revision summaries, can be found at the end of the guidance.
February 11, 2022
Update: Harvard University On Campus Activity Guidance
The following sections have been updated:
- Activity-Specific: Building and Operations Open to the General Public, Eating and Drinking, Events and Gatherings: Indoors, Events and Gatherings: 2022 Winter Term, Performances and Rehearsals, and Visitors
- Public Health: Face Coverings
Please see the February 11, 2022 Updates section for a detailed summary of the most recent changes. The full change log, which includes all prior revision summaries, can be found at the end of the guidance.
February 3, 2022
Update: Harvard University On Campus Activity Guidance
The following sections have been updated:
- Activity-Specific: Eating and Drinking, Events and Gatherings: Indoors, Vendors, and Visitors
- Public Health: Vaccination
Please see the February 3, 2022 Updates section for a detailed summary of the most recent changes. The full change log, which includes all prior revision summaries, can be found at the end of the guidance.
January 25, 2022
Update: Harvard University On Campus Activity Guidance
The following Public Health sections have been updated: Quarantine and Return to Work and Other Activities after Quarantine or Isolation.
Please see the January 25, 2022 Updates section for a detailed summary of the most recent changes. The full change log, which includes all prior revision summaries, can be found at the end of the guidance.
January 21, 2022
Update: Harvard University On Campus Activity Guidance
The following Public Health sections have been updated: Quarantine and Vaccination.
Please see the January 21, 2022 Updates section for a detailed summary of the most recent changes. The full change log, which includes all prior revision summaries, can be found at the end of the guidance.
January 20, 2022
Update: Face Coverings: General Use
This update provides guidance to those wishing to supply their own N95 to wear on campus as a face covering.
January 13, 2022
Update: Face Coverings: General Use
This update provides clarification about Harvard University’s guidance on acceptable face cover and use, including KN95s and KF94s which are not intended as respirators, and the OSHA requirements for those wearing an N95 respirator.
January 13, 2022
Update: Service Call Inquiries: Residential Dwellings
This document has been updated to incorporate the steps for emergency entry into a residence where someone is ill, isolating, or in quarantine with updates to required personal protective equipment (PPE).
January 12, 2022
Update: Harvard University On Campus Activity Guidance
Significant changes have been made to Harvard University On Campus Activity Guidance. Please see the January 12, 2022 Updates section for a detailed summary of the most recent changes. The full change log, which includes all prior revision summaries, can be found at the end of the guidance.
January 12, 2022
Update: Enhanced Cleaning Suspected/Confirmed Illness Response: Non-Clinical Spaces
This document has been updated to reflect new information for cleaning shared restrooms. Clarifications on face coverings, uniform and equipment, and when to begin cleaning are also included.
January 11, 2022
Update: Building/Facilities Operations, Systems, & Management Frequently Asked Questions
Updates to shared and common restrooms and additional guidance for when these restrooms are used by residential community members isolating in place.
December 18, 2021
Update: Harvard University On Campus Activity Guidance
Added an expanded introduction to address critical updates leading into the extended winter break and January return.
Please see the December 18, 2021 Update section for a detailed summary of the most recent changes. The full change log, which includes all prior revision summaries, can be found at the end of the guidance.
November 23, 2021
Update: Harvard University On Campus Activity Guidance
The following sections have been updated:
- Activity-Specific: Events and Activities: Off Campus
- Events and Gatherings: 2021 Holiday & Year-End
- Activity-Specific: Events and Gatherings: Indoors
Please see the November 23, 2021 Update section for a detailed summary of the most recent changes. The full change log, which includes all prior revision summaries, can be found at the end of the guidance.
November 19, 2021
Update: Harvard University On Campus Activity Guidance
The following sections have been updated:
- Federal Guidance
- Activity-Specific: Performance and Rehearsals
- Activity-Specific: Visitors
- Public Health: Vaccination
Please see the November 19, 2021 Update section for a detailed summary of the most recent changes. The full change log, which includes all prior revision summaries, can be found at the end of the guidance.
October 22, 2021
Update: Harvard University On Campus Activity Guidance
The following sections have been updated:
- Activity-Specific: Buildings and Operations Open to the General Public
- Activity-Specific: Events and Gatherings: Indoors
- Activity-Specific: Events and Gatherings: Visitors
Please see the October 22, 2021 Update section for a detailed summary of the most recent changes. The full change log, which includes all prior revision summaries, can be found at the end of the guidance.
October 14, 2021
Update: Harvard University On Campus Activity Guidance
The following sections have been updated:
- Overview
- Activity-Specific: Events and Gatherings: Indoors
- Public Health: Vaccination
Please see the October 14, 2021 Update section for a detailed summary of the most recent changes. The full change log, which includes all prior revision summaries, can be found at the end of the guidance.
September 24, 2021
Update: Harvard University On Campus Activity Guidance
Harvard University On Campus Activity Guidance, the main source for relevant and up to date COVID-19 requirements and recommendations, has been converted from a document to an interactive webpage. This information can now be found on Activity & Workplace Planning.
The following sections have been updated to meet current Harvard University policies and requirements:
Activity-Specific: Performances and Rehearsals, Vendors (new section), and Visitors.
Please see the September 24, 2021 Update detailed summary of the most recent changes at the beginning of the page. The full change log, including all past revision summaries, can be found at the end of the page.
September 24, 2021
Update: Face Coverings: General Use
This document has been updated to include:
- A recommendation to wear face coverings in crowded outdoor settings regardless of vaccination status.
- The current stance on the voluntary use of N95 respirators and the necessary training requirements.
- A clarification on the process for and the Harvard University departments that must be involved in limited cases in which a medical exemption for face covering use has been authorized.
September 22, 2021
Update: Service Contractor Checklist
This document has been updated to better define which Harvard University vendors and Persons of Interest (POI) are required to report vaccination status and enroll in Harvard’s testing program. Not all POIs who have been issued an HUID are classified as embedded vendors.
Risk categories and examples have been added to assist schools/units in determining if their non-embedded vendors and POIs are required to report their vaccination status and enroll in the testing program.
September 9, 2021
Update: Harvard University Guidance for On-Campus Activity
The following sections have been updated to meet current Harvard University policies and requirements:
Table 1: Activity-Specific Recommendations has been updated to include Harvard University changes to certain activities concerning indoor events and gatherings, classrooms, instruction, lecture and designated study spaces, and eating and drinking.
Table 2: Face Coverings has been updated.
See the change log at the end of the document for additional details.
September 7, 2021
Update: Positive COVID-19 Diagnosis Response
This document has been updated to reflect current guidance for cleaning and disinfecting following a positive COVID-19 case.
August 27, 2021
Update: Building/Facilities Operations, Systems, & Management: Frequently Asked Questions
Questions under the Cleaning and Disinfection and Buildings/Facilities: Ventilation sections have been updated to reflect current Harvard University guidance.
August 26, 2021
Update: Harvard University Guidance for On-Campus Activity
The following sections have been updated to meet current Harvard University policies and requirements:
Table 1: Activity-Specific Recommendations has been updated to include Harvard University changes to certain activities concerning classrooms and instruction, lecture, and designated study spaces.
Table 2: Cleaning and Disinfection and Viral Testing have been updated.
See the change log at the end of the document for additional details.
August 25, 2021
Update: Meal Delivery to Isolation Rooms
This document has been updated to remove the use of goggles or face shields as part of required PPE. Eye protection has been removed when there is no contact with isolated persons to match current COVID-19 guidance.
August 25, 2021
Update: Harvard University Guidance for On-Campus Activity
The following sections have been updated to meet current Harvard University policies and requirements:
Table 1: Activity-Specific Recommendations has been updated to include Harvard University changes to certain activities concerning indoor events and gatherings and events, performances and rehearsals, eating and drinking, and classrooms, instruction, lecture, and study spaces.
Table 2: Face Coverings has been updated to include information on the reinstated City of Boston face covering order.
See the change log at the end of the document for additional details.
August 18, 2021
Update: Harvard University Guidance for On-Campus Activity
The following sections have been updated to meet current Harvard University policies and requirements:
Table 1: Activity-Specific Recommendations has been updated to include Harvard University changes to certain activities concerning indoor events and gatherings and visitors.
Table 2: The face coverings and vaccination sections have been updated.
See the change log at the end of the document for additional details.
August 16, 2021
Update: Auxiliary Cleaning Vendor Contacts
This document has been updated. The Purpose section has been generalized to be applicable to custodial/cleaning vendors. Harvard University FMO Custodial has been added to Vendor Contacts Information.
August 11, 2021
Update: Face Coverings: General Use
This document has been updated to reflect current Harvard University policies on physical distancing and face covering usage indoors. Language concerning the rescinded Massachusetts face covering order and the FDA’s expired EUA for medical masks and respirators has been removed.
August 5, 2021
Update: COVID-19 Safety Training: Links and Resources
This document has been updated to remove expired links and outdated materials (i.e., the Massachusetts face covering and gatherings orders). Added resources include Harvard University Coronavirus Vaccinations and HUHS COVID-19 Vaccines.
August 3, 2021
Update: Harvard University Guidance for On-Campus Activity
The following sections have been updated to meet current Harvard University policies and requirements:
Table 1: Activity-Specific Recommendations has been updated to include Harvard University changes to certain activities concerning indoor events and gatherings, events, performances and rehearsals, eating and drinking, and classrooms, instruction, lecture, and study spaces. A new row for off-campus activities has been added.
Table 2: The face coverings and cleaning and disinfection sections have been updated. A new row for ventilation has been added.
See the change log at the end of the document for additional details.
August 3, 2021
Update: Enhanced Cleaning Suspected/Confirmed Illness Response: Non-Clinical Spaces
Enhanced Cleaning Suspected/Confirmed Illness Response: Non-Clinical Spaces has been updated to replace Enhanced Cleaning Suspected/Confirmed Illness Response: Offices/Academic/Common Areas.
This document now applies to all non-clinical settings, including residential spaces. The list of equipment and supplies has been updated to reflect current Harvard University guidance for disinfection and ventilation.
July 22, 2021
Update: Construction Site Guidelines: Harvard Personnel
This document has been updated to include changes to state and local guidance for contractors and Harvard University guidance for University personnel.
July 22, 2021
Update: Service Contractor Checklist
This document has been updated to clarify vaccination requirements for vendors and to remove the four hour threshold for determining COVID-19 testing eligibility.
July 21, 2021
Update: Harvard University Guidance for On-Campus Activity
The following sections have been updated to meet current Harvard University policies and requirements:
Table 1: Activity-Specific Recommendations has been updated to include Harvard University changes to certain activities concerning visitors, recreational and fitness facilities, room and space use: eating and drinking areas, and travel.
Table 2: The physical distancing section has been updated.
See the change log at the end of the document for additional details.
July 13, 2021
Update: Room and Space Use: General Guidance
This document has been updated to apply to all rooms and spaces, including those used for unmasked activity.
Prioritize rooms that optimize ventilation when designating rooms for eating and drinking. Unvaccinated persons are still required to maintain physical distancing indoors.
July 12, 2021
Update: Harvard University Guidance for On-Campus Activity
The narrative section has been updated to consolidate current Harvard University policies and requirements into the table sections.
Table 1: Activity-Specific Recommendations has been updated to include Harvard University changes to certain activities.
Table 2: Public Health Topics has been updated to include lifting of physical distancing requirements indoors as of July 15, 2021.
See the change log at the end of the document for additional details.
July 8, 2021
Update: Harvard University Guidance for On-Campus Activity
This document has been updated with revisions to multiple Table 1: Activity-Specific Recommendations Related to COVID-19 activity rows, including:
- Indoor and Outdoor Events: Removal of occupancy limits for Harvard University-sponsored events.
- Official Visitors: Revised threshold for short-term visitors to seven days or less and included updated travel guidance.
- Buildings and Operations Open to the General Public and Performances and Rehearsals: Set date to lift physical distancing requirements.
June 22, 2021
Update: Harvard University Guidance for On-Campus Activity
This document has been updated to include guidance and listed controls for allowing more than one occupant in Harvard University vehicles.
Vehicle use should continue to be restricted to one person at a time unless either a three foot distance between passengers can be maintained or a Non-Conforming/New Activity Proposal has been submitted and reviewed by EH&S and HUHS.
June 21, 2021
Prioritizing/Designating Rooms for Use by Unmasked Occupants: Eating & Drinking
This document has been updated and consolidated to focus guidance on target ventilation, physical distancing, and general room requirements in spaces used for eating and drinking. Certain requirements including time limits, prohibition of talking, and signage have been removed.
June 17, 2021
Update: Harvard University Guidance for On-Campus Activity
This document has been updated with revisions to multiple activity rows within Table 1, including outdoor events, fitness facilities, travel, and official visitors, as well as significant changes to the room and space and designated eating and drinking areas rows.
June 17, 2021
Update: Service Contractor Checklist
This document has been updated to reflect June 2021 changes to state, federal, and Harvard University COVID-19 requirements.
June 4, 2021
Update: Harvard University Guidance for On-Campus Activity
This document has been updated to reflect new Harvard University, Massachusetts, and federal guidance. Information on reopening topics, including face coverings, physical distancing, indoor events, and vaccination, has been updated in the Narrative, Table 1, and Table 2 sections.
June 4, 2021
New: Conforming Activity Distance Requirements
This document provides the minimum physical distances required for certain activities listed in Table 1 of Harvard University Guidance for On-Campus Activity, including performances and rehearsals, fitness centers and club sports.
June 2, 2021
Update: Face Coverings: General Use
This document has been revised to reflect updated face covering guidance for vaccinated individuals and continued expectations for face covering use indoors.
May 14, 2021
Update: Face Coverings: General Use
This document has been updated to include two new questions concerning the use of clear masks and neck gaiters while on campus.
May 4, 2021
Update: Room Ventilation Calculator
The room ventilation calculator was developed to help building managers assess building ventilation. It has been updated to include both masked occupant room use for various activity types, as well as unmasked occupant room use in spaces designated for eating and drinking.
The masked use calculator uses the baseline ASHRAE 62.1 standard for target ventilation in addition to the other COVID-19 controls. The relevant ASHRAE 62.1 standard value for fresh (outdoor air) remains doubled, in an abundance of caution, for rooms in which persons are unmasked and are eating and drinking.
April 30, 2021
Update: Face Coverings: General Use
This document has been updated to incorporate new guidelines for removing face coverings when outdoors and able to maintain at least six feet from other people.
Face coverings must continue to be worn outside at events and when in densely populated spaces as required by State sector-specific guidance.
Even when not wearing a mask outdoors, all Harvard University community members should have an acceptable face covering on their persons at all times when on campus.
April 12, 2021
Update: Room and Space Use General Guidance: Masked Occupants
Prioritizing/Designating Rooms for Use by Masked Occupants has been replaced with Room and Space Use General Guidance: Masked Occupants.
The updated document provides general guidance for departmental administrators, building managers, and University planners as they reopen or repopulate spaces for a variety of uses. Topics include room/space occupant qualifications, occupancy and physical distancing, cleaning and disinfection, and optimizing ventilation.
Ventilation strategies closely align with updated the CDC ventilation guidance for buildings, with additional controls in spaces where ventilation flow rates or filtration is unknown or does not exist. The update utilizes the CDC’s qualitative, multiple-hurdle approach to address ventilation as part of a comprehensive COVID-19 control plan.
April 9, 2021
Update: Enhanced Cleaning: Laboratories
This document was updated to reflect the reduced risk associated with fomite transmission.
April 9, 2021
Update: Laboratory Enhanced Cleaning Protocol Template
This document was updated to reflect the reduced risk associated with fomite transmission.
March 25, 2021
Update: Enhanced Cleaning & PPE Donning/Doffing: Offices/Academic Areas
This document has been updated to reflect the most current CDC guidance for doffing PPE.
March 25, 2021
Update: Cleaning and Disinfection Timing/Procedures: Presumptive/Positive Cases
This document has been updated to remove the 24-hour site shut-down requirement in the following sectors: fitness centers/health clubs and close-contact personal services (e.g., hair salons, massage, body work therapies, etc.). Summary of procedures: Step 3 within this document provides guidance for timing to begin cleaning and disinfecting.
March 23, 2021
Update: Routine Cleaning: Offices/Academic/Residential Rooms/Common Areas
Guidance has been consolidated to focus on the requirements for the frequency of cleaning and disinfection, selection of approved disinfectants, and steps to be followed when cleaning and disinfecting spaces. Unless otherwise dictated in sector-specific guidance, building managers should increase the frequency of routine cleaning and disinfection to at least daily. Pre-cleaning shall only be required as part of surface disinfection if this is indicated on the label instructions, or if the area is visibly soiled.
March 19, 2021
Update: Enhanced Cleaning Suspected/Confirmed Illness Response: Offices/Academic/Common Areas
Guidance has been consolidated to focus on the requirements for timing the commencement of work, selection of approved disinfectants, and the steps to be followed when cleaning and disinfecting spaces following a presumptive positive or positive COVID-19 case. Guidance for timing has also been updated to include specifications for rooms/impacted areas that have existing increased ventilation or a combination of fresh plus filtered air.
March 10, 2021
Update: Prioritizing/Designating Rooms for Use by Unmasked Occupants: Eating & Drinking
This document has been updated to remove the ban on computer use and texting while within an eating and drinking space. Telephone calls and conversations are still prohibited within these spaces, and a time limit of 30 minutes remains in effect.
March 5, 2021
Update: COVID-19 Safety Training: Links and Resources
This document has been updated to replace the previous link to Harvard University reopening plans with the current Harvard University Guidance for On-Campus Activity. A broken link to the Massachusetts Gathering Order (COVID-19 Order Number 63) has also been updated.
March 2, 2021
Update: Service Contractor Checklist
This document has been updated to include information on the daily health attestation non-HUID Crimson Clear online portal.
March 1, 2021
Update: Prioritizing/Designating Rooms for Use by Unmasked Occupants: Eating & Drinking
This document has been updated to incorporate recently revised occupancy limits in eating and drinking establishments, effective March 1, 2021.
February 23, 2021
Update: Prioritizing/Designating Rooms for Use by Unmasked Occupants: Eating & Drinking
This document has been updated to include maximum occupancy specifications in areas designated for eating and drinking, in compliance with current state guidance.
February 12, 2021
Update: Cleaning & Disinfection Timing/Procedures: Presumptive/Positive Cases
This document has been updated to include specifications for commencing enhanced cleaning for rooms/impacted areas that have existing increased ventilation or a combination of fresh plus filtered air.
February 12, 2021
Update: Face Coverings: General Use
This document has been updated to include a frequently asked questions section addressing the use of N95s and similar filtering facepiece respirators (FFR), double-masking, and links to resources that can help individuals safely improve the fit and filtration of their mask/face covering.
February 11, 2021
Update: Service Call Inquiries: Residential Dwellings
This document has been updated to ensure consistency with University, Federal, and State COVID-19 guidance.
February 2, 2021
Update: Service Contractor Checklist
This update streamlines and clarifies the expectations for service contractors working on Harvard University’s campuses during the COVID-19 pandemic.
February 1, 2021
Update: Cleaning & Disinfection Guidance: Shared Workspaces/PPE/Tools/Equipment
This document has been updated to provide emphasis on the management of shared office equipment such as copiers.
January 11, 2021
Update: University Planning Information Matrix
This document has been updated to reflect the most recent information from State and local regulatory authorities.
January 8, 2021
New: Prioritizing/Designating Rooms for Use by Unmasked Occupants: Eating & Drinking
This document specifies room attributes used to prioritize spaces designated for eating and drinking, as well as occupant and operational controls designed to enhance safety in these areas.
December 18, 2020
Update: Positive COVID-19 Diagnosis Response
This document has been updated to include a link to Auxiliary Cleaning Vendor Contacts.
December 9, 2020
Update: Positive COVID-19 Diagnosis Response
This document has been updated to clarify under the communications column that supervisors and facility managers must follow any pre-existing communication plans developed by a school or unit’s communications department, human resources, or public information officer.
December 4, 2020
New: Prioritizing/Designating Rooms for Use by Masked Occupants
This document provides information that applies to choosing and designating rooms for specific purposes and for ensuring necessary occupant qualifications and behaviors while accessing the space, as well as room attributes that help to lower the risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission.
November 17, 2020
New: Auxiliary Cleaning Vendor Contacts
A list of vendors that can perform enhanced COVID-19 cleaning.
November 16, 2020
New: Positive COVID-19 Diagnosis Response
This document provides interim guidance for supervisors responding to a positive COVID-19 diagnosis in the workplace. The flowchart includes roles, notifications, and steps to be taken in regard to cleaning and disinfection, communication to staff and building tenants and handling related absences following a positive COVID-19 diagnosis.
November 10, 2020
New: University Planning Information Matrix
This matrix provides a comprehensive look at regulatory requirements and guidance from Federal, State, and Local government and official University sources to address COVID-19 related topics (face coverings, viral testing, quarantine, etc.) to help guide University planning.
November 4, 2020
Update: Cleaning and Disinfecting Timing/Procedures: Presumptive/Positive Cases
This document has been revised to include updated requirements for the timing of cleaning and disinfection following a presumptive or positive case in the restaurant sector as well as dining services and facilities within higher education.
October 16, 2020
Update: Building/Facilities Operations, Systems, & Management Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to questions concerning cleaning and disinfection, face coverings, social distancing, and exposure risks have been updated to reflect the most up-to-date guidance and information.
October 15, 2020
Update: Face Coverings: General Use
This document has been updated to reflect new changes from the City of Cambridge emergency order and to add examples for when face coverings are not required.
October 9, 2020
Update: Service Call Inquiries: Residential Dwellings
This document has been revised to designate a broader audience, including all Harvard University facilities staff who have an approved purpose to enter a residence.
September 23, 2020
Update: Face Coverings: General Use
Updated to clarify general guidelines and to address face covering use exceptions.
September 21, 2020
Update: Building/Facilities Operations, Systems, & Management Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Updated questions concerning COVID-19 risk and transmission and added new questions on drinking water fountains, fans, and elevators.
September 21, 2020
New: Cleaning & Disinfection Timing/Procedures: Presumptive/Positive Cases
Summary of Massachusetts sector-specific site shutdown requirements and/or area closures as they may relate to non-clinical operations, as well as required cleaning and disinfection timing guidance following a presumptive or positive COVID-19 case.
September 18, 2020
Update: Service Call Inquiries: Residential Dwellings
Additional information and procedures have been added to ensure that both workers and dwelling residents comply with face coverings and social distancing for the duration of the work.
September 16, 2020
New: Athletics Facilities Planning
Returning to the workplace planning information for athletic facilities.
September 16, 2020
New: Common and Gathering Spaces Planning
Returning to the workplace planning information for common and gathering spaces.
September 8, 2020
New: Safety Training: Links and Resources
This document has been updated to include additional resources such as the Harvard Coronavirus website, EH&S COVID-19 resources, testing information, and Crimson Clear.
September 3, 2020
New: Emergency Evacuation Preparation & Cooking Fire Safety
This document provides modified evacuation procedures for COVID-19 as well as cooking fire safety tips to reduce potential fire alarms.
August 25, 2020
New: Meal Delivery to Isolation Rooms
This Environmental Control Procedure describes procedures and personal protective equipment (PPE) used by FMO custodians to deliver meals to occupants in isolation buildings.
August 20, 2020
Update: Enhanced Cleaning Suspected/Confirmed Illness: Offices/Academic/Common Areas
This Environmental Control Procedure has been updated to reflect new Massachusetts requirements for wait times to clean specific room and location types, and specifies that custodians should communicate with food service operators about which food-contact surfaces to be cleaned.
August 14, 2020
New: Enhanced Cleaning: Laboratories
This document describes cleaning procedures in laboratories and procedures to follow when laboratory personnel conducting work on-site test positive for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. This protocol is limited to locations where lab personnel work, eat, and use the restroom.
August 13, 2020
Update: Lab Enhanced Cleaning Protocol Template
Added reference link to state guidelines
August 11, 2020
Update: Remote Guidance: Teaching Labs
Inclusion of Export Control guidance for kits that will be shipped internationally
August 10, 2020
New: Workflow/Task Evaluation Tool
This tool assists managers and supervisors to identify, evaluate, and adjust their group’s workflow and tasks to be COVID safe.
August 6, 2020
New: Lab Enhanced Cleaning Protocol Template
Template for labs to document their cleaning and disinfection protocols
August 5, 2020
Update: Remote Guidance: Teaching Labs
Clarifications and amendments have been made to the Electrical Safety Tier 1 and Tier 2 sections
August 4, 2020
Update: Transportation, Parking, and Mail Facilities Planning
Returning to the Workplace Planning document updated to clarify vehicle occupancy limits
July 16, 2020
New: Patient Sample Transport: DOT Materials of Trade Exceptions
Requirements for transporting COVID-19 patient samples for testing
July 14, 2020
New: Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizer: Storage Requirements/Safe Use
This document provides guidance for the safe storage and use of flammable hand sanitizer within Massachusetts
July 13, 2020
This document provides guidance for managers and supervisors to help determine when glove use is warranted during operations and specific work tasks
July 10, 2020
Update: Construction Guidelines: Following Local and State Guidance
The City of Cambridge and the City of Boston guidance references have been updated
July 9, 2020
New: Service Contractor Management FAQs
This guidance is being provided to the Harvard community to help answer Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) related to service contractors that are working onsite
July 7, 2020
Update: Service Contractors/Vendors Guidance & Checklist
This document is updated with Crimson Clear and viral testing expectations and now includes a checklist of Harvard’s expectations for use by service contractors/vendors